Because of our efforts, Dark Money Transparency (HB 1472) Passes out of Committee!

Just over a week ago, we passed a dark money transparency bill and a campaign finance reform bill out of the House State Government Committee!

Over the next three weeks, we will pass those and additional anti-corruption bills through the full House, including a ban on multinational corporate dark money spending (essentially banning corporate dark money spending). These wins are because of the massive pressure we built through our Gift Ban campaign, and the culmination of seven years of relentlessly marching, lobbying, and engaging in nonviolent direct action. Now that we have opened the anti-corruption floodgates in the House, we, of course and always, keep negotiating and pushing for the Gift Ban and the rest of our Money Out, People In platform.

While we’re celebrating this win, we also know that passing these democracy reforms won’t be easy. Legislators are always the last ones to cross the finish line - and it is up to us ensure they do so. It's because of our work that these reforms are even being considered. The legislature has long preferred keeping their corruption quiet and totally legal.

It's only because we have shined a light on their corruption, called it out, and demanded change that legislators are now coming out and supporting it.

To learn more about our Democracy Agenda this session and how you can get involved, please join us for a formal legislative briefing and strategy session on Tuesday, April 30th at 7pm.

One year ago, we began our 27 town statewide Disrupt the Corrupt Tour (watch the full presentation here). Everywhere we went across Pennsylvania, we heard the same story: We are sick and tired of suffering under a corrupt government that isn’t looking out for us, and we are ready to work to build a democracy that represents us. That work is what makes all of MarchOnHarrisburg’s wins possible. Our success in the past, the present, and the future is because of the hard work that people like you put in every day.

You can take action by joining a MarchOnHarrisburg chapter near you, and keep an eye on our events calendar to see what's coming up. Join us as we continue to stand up, choose action over apathy, and work to end the corruption that has dominated our state legislature for far too long.

Donation pitch: We are a scrappy, volunteer-powered organization with a small two-person staff and we rely on grassroots donations to grow our movement. Most of our funding comes from individual donations – from fellow Pennsylvanians who are tired of being governed by corruption and deeply care about democracy.

Simply put, without your support, MarchOnHarrisburg ceases to exist. Please contribute whatever you are able to our growing movement. Every bit counts. We appreciate you, we love you, and everything we accomplish is because of you.


Organizational Updates from MoH - What We've Been Up To!